This Domain is For Sale

This Domain Name is For Sale, with or without Hosting.

Red Dog Seven, LLC is selling this domain. Optional services can include:
- Web hosting on a lightly used site, without resource limitations.
- Installation and Configuration of:
- WordPress
- Vbulletion
- Mediawiki
- Zencart
- OC-Classifieds
- Most any other Web Application
About this Domain Name
I bought this with the intention of creating Social Network specifically for allowing people to rant about stuff that pisses them off. Politicians, getting screwed by a vendor, school teacher, home owner’s association, dog shitting on your lawn, crack house next door, hookers at the motel you stayed at, tramp sleeping in your businesses stoop, credit card skimmed at a gas station, cable company having Internet down, barber cutting your hair too short, or …. I’ve got a lot on my plate right now – so I’m willing to sell.
This could also be a great opportunity to monetize in a variety of ways – or even have a desirable domain name forward to another web site. This could be a major money maker if properly set up.
I’m asking $3,500 for it and a year’s hosting with the Deluxe Plan on a very fast server at Big Kahuna Hosting, a current Vbulletin Connect License, and me installing the application on the server.
See the Make Offer link in the right Sidebar if you would like to make a reasonable offer, and want a little help getting it rolling.
- Blog (Word Press, DotClear, Serendipity…)
- Discussion Forum (Vbulletin, phpBb, XMB, Simple Machines…)
- News Site (Joomla, Word Press With Addon for News Site)
- Fact Encyclopedia (MediaWiki Dokuwiki, PMWiki …)
- Social Media (WoWonder, Noodle, Net Village…)
- eCommerce (ZenCart, Open Cart, Shopware…
- Ancestry (Web Trees, Gramps…)
- Business Management (OrangeHRM, FAQs, Support Tickets, Survey..)
- Photo Albums (Piwigo, Coppermine, Zenphoto)
- Classified Ads (OSclass, Dozens of others…)
- Promote a Cause (WordPress and dozens of other options)
- Forward to another site to increase traffic (a better domain name forwarding to a website – with or without masking)
Red Dog Seven operates a cutting edge Server and has the expertise to turn key the above applications just about any other use for a web site you can dream of.
Monetizing Your Web Site
- Banner Advertising
- Gift Shop
- Paid Subscription
- Donations – Fundraising
- eMail Marketing
- Paid Classified Ads
- Selling Domain Registration and Web Hosting
- Selling email processing and/or forwarding of you unique domain
There are many ways to take a premium domain name and monetize it. We have the expertise to do as much of that for you as you wish.